This is a video tutorial describing how to make a lego optimus prime head. The first step is to get all of the LEGO pieces that you will need. You will need tiles, plates, connector pieces, translucen ...
Robots are great for performing tasks that are otherwise too dangerous for man (e.g. dead body extraction bot). BeetleCam is a cute little bot that takes all the danger out of wild life photography. C ...
IEEE Spectrum has posted new pictures of Geminoid F, and yes indeed, underneath that smiley, soft, convincing exterior is a stone cold, emotionless robot. Previously, Creepy (Yet Kinda Attra ...
Artist Giles Walker's robot peep show/DJ installation piece gives us a little glimpse of what strip clubs could look like in the future (well, let's really hope not, guys). Walker also teams up with F ...
Kojiro the robot has muscles, tendons and a flexible spine- just like you! Combine Kojiro with the doppelganger bot and you'll have something supremely sci-fi freaky. Via IEEE Spectrum: "Kojiro is an ...
This kid looks less than pleased (skip to 2:37). The goal of Swarm-bots is to show how many small robots can work together to achieve a larger task (such as dragging a little girl's body across the ...
CMU's Biorobotics Laboratory modular snake robot slithers in all sorts of different ways. Check out the three videos in the gallery below. Project statement: "Snake robots can use their many internal ...
This video describes how to make a talking robot mask using iPhone. For that you need Reading scale, Cutter scissor, Box to fix into head, Cutter Knife, Screw Driver, Glue, Cello tape, Aluminum Foil, ...
Don't worry, the robot apocalypse is not upon us...yet. Wired reports it may be closer than you think: "The 'Humanoids with auditory and visual abilities in populated spaces' (HUMAVIPS) project has th ...
In this four-part science tutorial, learn how to make a model of a hand that works like a real hand: with tendons that move the fingers. This is a great tool to teach kids the body's inner workings. P ...